A handful of studies fresh from the studio.
Lara Hoke, Study of Roy's House
Mount Nittany
A handful of studies fresh from the studio.
Lara Hoke, Study of Roy's House
Mount Nittany
Lara Hoke, Oakland Nightscape, Rockridge Nightscape AKA Liquor VideoJust a quick update on Rockridge Nightscape. I diminished the contrast of the tree's shadow in the foreground. Pushed back the lights on the horizon line and increased the contrast; alluded to windows in brownstones (town houses?).
Added more complexity to the horizon line and a stroke of red. Almost done!
Lara Hoke, Rockridge Nightscape, AKA Liquor Video
Trying to add more depth and interest in the foreground. Struggling with the tree on the left. All I can think about is broccoli.
Lara Hoke, MacArthur at Park, Oakland Nightscape
I've become particularly interested in documenting my work, in tracking the development of a painting over time. In an effort to study and share the many lives a painting lives, I will post the history of a painting at the point when I've decided it is complete.
Below is the source photo, the study, the underpainting, and the finished painting of Claremont and Forest.
Lara Hoke, Forest and Claremont, photo, study, underpainting, painting
I've been working on Rockridge Nightscape AKA Liquor Video for 4 weeks. Because I only work on it during class - twice a week for three hours - each time I paint I look at it with fresh eyes. I made several major changes (at least major to me) this past class. Although the painting may look worse for it for now, the changes are for the best. The tree that was dividing the canvas virtually in half is gone and I've brought back the green leaves in the foreground. Next up: bringing back the depth in the sky and foreground.
Lara Hoke, Rockridge Nightscape AKA Liquor Video, new on left, old on right
And you may recognize this painting. It's a larger version of a study I did several months ago. I'm really happy with how the foreground is shaping up.
Lara Hoke, Short Sale
This painting is from a photo I took with my phone this past Friday night. It is the intersection of MacArthur and Park Boulevard by the high school.
Lara Hoke, Oakland Nightscape, MacArthur and Park
And the latest iteration of "Liquor Video". I've been trying to paint only with 1" or larger brushes to keep the stroke loose and painterly and force myself not to fall into my old habit of overworking details.
Lara Hoke, Oakland Nightscape, "Liquor Video"
Latest iteration of Rockridge Nightscape, AKA Liquor Video.
Rockridge Nightscape, Lara Hoke, 7/20/11
Reference photograph
Under Painting
Oakland Corner at Night, (almost finished)
I've been continuing to work on my Oakland Nightscapes series. It's been somehwat of a challenging venture, I'm not particularly good at working from photographs not to mention low-quality photographs taken at night.
Oakland Nightscape, StorefrontOne of the particularly challenging aspects is the inability to fully understand the physical structures. Edges and relationships between shapes are indistinct. However, and I think I touched on this in an earlier post, this may be a good thing. The nature of these images is forcing me to try a new style, too keep my brush strokes loose.
Additionally, because it is not my traditional way of working I'm allowing myself to work using different techniques. Specificially, introducing charcoal and sandpaper into the mix.
I've begun painting the fourth large painting in my series of Oakland nightscapes. The reference photograph (below, middle) was one the first that I took in the series and the color study (below, right) was the first in the set of studies that I created last June.
The new painting is in it's *very* early stages - it's just an underpainting. I've probably only spent about an hour on it. BUT I really like the gestural quality it has and am afraid that I will lose that quality and by continuing to work on it. It's that fine line that I continue to search for - mixing looseness and gesture with line and fully realized form...
Here's a clip from this past weekend's Open Studios taken by Stan Goldberg, self pro-claimed Senior Dad. I come in around the 2:50 mark. The other artist included in the interview is Laura Malone.
You can also watch the video by following this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3R7Kiuh5aE